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How do I make payment for the monthly instalment?

All payments of the monthly instalment must be made to the Loan repayment account.


Modes of Payment

1.       You may transfer the monthly instalment amount to your Loan repayment account via CIMB Clicks Singapore or via FAST using other banks’ internet banking platforms, or

2.      Arrange for scheduled monthly payments to your CIMB Personal Loan Repayment account* with a standing instruction^, by applying through your preferred bank’s digital banking services platform(s), or by contacting your preferred bank, or

3.       Make a payment to your CIMB Personal Loan Repayment account* via cheque.


Please ensure there are sufficient funds in the Loan repayment account by the payment due date.


*Please note your Loan Repayment account starts with 10xxxxxxxx

^Please check with your preferred bank on the processing time required to set up the standing instruction. Please ensure you continue to make payment to the CIMB Personal Loan Repayment account* by the relevant payment due date until the successful set up of the standing instruction.

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