CIMB World MastercardTM Unlimited 2%* cashback on Wine & Dine, Online Food Delivery, Movies and Digital Entertainment, Taxi and Automobile and Luxury Goods & unlimited 1% cashback on all other spend.
CIMB Visa Infinite Unlimited 2%* cashback on Overseas, Travel and Online Spend in Foreign Currencies & unlimited 1% on all other spends. Complimentary green fees & airport lounge access globally.
Convert your credit card’s available limit into monthly instalment loans with promotional interest rates as low as 3.80%*p.a. (EIR from 7.07% p.a.) with no processing fee.
Note: To serve you better, Joint Fixed Deposits online application is temporarily unavailable up till 9 Apr, 1159hrs. Please proceed to our branch to apply for an account.
CIMB SGD Fixed Deposit Account Wide range of tenures with some of the highest rates in SG, and a min. deposit of S$10k only.
These products are underwitten by Sompo Insurance Singapore Pte. Ltd. and distributed by CIMB Bank Berhad, Singapore Branch.
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