A borrower can obtain a copy of his credit bureau report from the credit bureaus. He can then verify the credit limits and outstanding debt in his credit report by checking these against his monthly statements. Where monthly statements are not issued, the borrower may contact his FI directly or check his online banking accounts.
If a borrower disagrees with any information in his credit report, he should write to the credit bureau to seek clarification. The credit bureau will:
(a) consult the member of the credit bureau that provided the disputed information;
(b) post a notice in the borrower’s credit file with the credit bureau that the information is disputed and under investigation; and
(c) inform the borrower of the progress and outcome of its investigation.
If the borrower’s credit report is rectified following the investigation, the revised report will be sent to all members of the credit bureau who made enquiries on the borrower in the past 3 months.
For more information, please refer to the websites of Credit Bureau (Singapore) Pte Limited at www.creditbureau.com.sg and DP Credit Bureau at www.dpcreditbureau.sg.