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Hey There!


Did you expect that you’d be in the midst of a pandemic? We sure didn’t.


Did anyone predict that COVID-19 would hit the world, effectively bringing international travel to a standstill (cramped economy seats don’t sound so bad now)? Could anyone have imagined that we’d all be working from home – and complaining about it?




Let’s be honest. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future.

Don't Just Save For An Emergency.

It’s clear that just saving for an emergency isn’t good enough. Sure, it’s a start. Millions of people who lost their jobs due to COVID-19 are now relying on their savings. But what happens when that runs low? What do you do when your expenses exceed what you have in your bank account?


We’re not talking about preparing for an asteroid hitting the earth here. We’re talking about everyday life and the challenges that come with it. Accidents happen, and you need to be prepared.


You need a plan that can protect you from the most common issues you could face, such as retrenchment or permanent disablement.


“It’ll never happen to me,” you say dismissively. “This stuff happens to other people”, you say as you shake your head. “This is just a marketing scheme, isn’t it?”


It Won't Happen To Me.

We certainly hope it won’t happen to you. But, what if it did? What then? You might not be the sole bread winner in your family, but your loss of income due to an accident or retrenchment will be a huge weight likely to rest squarely on the shoulders of your loved ones.


The sad reality is that a majority of Singaporeans aren’t prepared for an emergency. Living life one day at a time is great, until you need help.


Do yourself a favour. Start learning more about what you can do to plan for emergency, whether it’s an insurance plan you should invest in, or having a frank discussion with your family.


If not for yourself, do it for your family. Do it for your loved ones.

They deserve better than fending for themselves in times like these.


Take the first step today. Educate yourself on our available insurance plans that could one day save your family’s future. 



Product Highlight

CIMB Revital Accident Care was made specifically for unforeseen circumstances. That’s why it’s available to you worldwide and allows you to renew your policy until you turn 75.

Here’s how we can help you in the event of an emergency:

·       In the event of your death or permanent disablement, you will be paid a         lump sum payment up to $150,000. That’s enough money to tide your         family over for quite a while.

·       If you’re ever in a medical emergency, regardless of whether it’s as basic as         food poisoning, you’re covered for up to $1,500.

·       If you lose your job temporarily due to retrenchment, you’ll be covered for         up to $1,500 per month for as many as 3 months.


Best Wishes,





Important Notes & Disclaimer

This article is brought to you by CIMB as part of our ongoing efforts to raise the level of financial literacy amongst Singaporeans. Financial knowledge and understanding are key to making well-informed and meaningful financial decisions that will improve everyone’s well-being. This in turn, achieves CIMB’s purpose of advancing customers and society.