Go Places with CIMB TravelEASE

Get 45%* off Single Trip plans or up to S$150* Uniqlo gift cards when you purchase Annual plans!


Features & Benefits

COVID-19 related benefits
COVID-19 related benefits
Other Additional Features

Medical expenses overseas due to COVID-19

Up to S$200,000 coverage to help guard you against high medical costs in the event that you’re diagnosed with COVID-19 whilst on your travels.

Trip curtailment or disruption due to COVID-19

Trip cancellation or postponement due to COVID-19

Emergency medical evacuation and repatriation due to COVID-19

Overseas quarantine allowance due to COVID-19

Overseas hospital income allowance due to COVID-19


  1. Insured Person must be a Singaporean, Permanent Resident, or Foreigner residing in Singapore with valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Dependent Pass, Student Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass.
  2. Family Cover means one Adult, or two Adults who are in a marital relationship or partners at the time of applying for the policy and their children under the same travel insurance policy.
  3. Child or Children means:
    • Under an individual cover – someone less than 16 years old.
    • Under a family cover – the legal child, or a ward, of the Adult and who is less than 21 years old or less than 25 years old in a full-time tertiary institution and is not married or employed.
  4. Travel Insurance policy can be purchased within 180 days before policy effective date.
  5. For Travel Insurance Single Trip policies, the maximum period of insurance that can be purchased is 182 days.
  6. For Travel Insurance Annual policies, each trip should not exceed 90 days.
  7. If your travel crosses more than one area on the same trip, premium payable will be based on the area with the higher premium.
  8. For other conditions, please refer to our policy wordings for details.

More Information

4 Steps to Claim

Step 1

Download Sompo’s TravelEASE claim form here

Step 2 Complete the relevant section
Step 3 Attach all original receipts and relevant supporting documents
Step 4 Submit claim form to claimsreport@sompo.com.sg

For other enquiries, you may contact Sompo’s Customer Service Hotline at +65 6461 6222 (Monday to Friday, 9am - 5pm, excluding public holidays) or email cimb-query@sompo.com.sg


Important Notice

Terms and Conditions

Important Notes & Disclaimer