Issue of Documentary Credit 

Products / Services Fees & Charges
Per month or part thereof 0.125% or minimum S$75, whichever is higher
Via SWIFT or courier S$100 or as per destination

Import Invoice Financing/Invoice Financing-i

Products / Services Fees & Charges
Handling commission 0.125% or minimum S$75, whichever is higher.
Commission in lieu of exchange 0.125% or minimum S$75, whichever is higher.
Out-of-pocket expenses Refer to the section on ‘Miscellaneous’.

Note : Financing of import loans/financing are subject to the Bank’s interest/profit rate.

Inward Bills for Collection

Products / Services Fees & Charges
DA/DP handling commission 0.125% or minimum S$75, whichever is higher.
Commission in lieu 0.125% or minimum S$75, whichever is higher.
Out-of-pocket expenses Refer to the section on ‘Miscellaneous’.

Note : Financing of import loans/financing are subject to the Bank’s interest/profit rate.