Features & Benefits



With PayNow, you can make payments to proxy IDs (UEN/Mobile/NRIC/VPA) and start collecting via PayNow by simply registering your UEN through Bizchannel@CIMB (online/mobile banking). 


CIMB channels that support PayNow payments include BizChannel@ CIMB (online or app), API and H2H. Our Bizchannel@CIMB app allows Scan and Pay function for any acceptable PayNow QR or SGQR in the market.

Promotional Offers

How To Apply PayNow

Step 1
  • Log in to BizChannel@CIMB (online or app) using your login details.
Step 2
  • Under “PayNow Setup” tab, select “Add”
Step 3
  • Select an account to be linked to your UEN
  • Note: Add a 3-digit alpha-numeric suffix to your company’s UEN to create multiple PayNow proxies
  • E.g. UEN no. 1234567E and a 3-digit alpha-numeric suffix of 'b15' - the proxy will be '1234567Eb15'


How To Apply SGQR

Step 1
  • Register for PayNow. (if already registered, proceed to step 2)
Step 2
  • Fill up the Registration form here.




What is PayNow Service?

- PayNow Service enables Corporates to pay and receive Singapore Dollar funds by linking their Unique Entity Number (UEN) issued in Singapore to their Singapore bank account. They do not need to know the bank and account number of other entities when transferring funds. 


What are the benefits of using PayNow Service?

- With PayNow proxy ID, you are no longer required to provide your bank name and bank account number to your payer. Receive payment instantly via PayNow FAST.



How do I register for PayNow Service?

- PayNow Service can be registered via BizChannel@CIMB (online or app).


How would I know if the registration/amendment/de-registration is successful?

- An email/SMS notification will be sent to your registered email/ mobile number maintained with the bank upon successful registration/amendment/de-registration.


Can an overseas entity sign up for PayNow Service?

- No. Only Singapore-incorporated entities can sign up for PayNow Service.



Are there any charges for using PayNow Service?

- Enjoy FREE* outgoing PayNow transactions from now till 31 December 2025 and FREE* incoming PayNow transactions from now till 31 December 2025.


How many accounts can I link to?

- A single UEN can be linked to multiple accounts by using different suffixes for each account e.g. UEN ('12345678X') + suffix ('b15') = '12345678Xb15' 


How can corporates make payment using PayNow?

- Payments can be processed via GIRO or FAST.


Are transfers via PayNow safe and secure?

- Yes. The end-to-end process of a PayNow transaction is secure and adopts the same security standards established by the banking industry in Singapore for funds transfer.


What is the cut off time for PayNow payments?

- PayNow payments made via FAST are available 24/7. For PayNow payments made via GIRO, the existing GIRO cut-off time applies.


What is the transaction limit?

- The transaction limit is S$200,000 per transaction via PayNow FAST. There is no limit via PayNow GIRO.


Click here for frequently asked questions about SGQR

Terms & Conditions


Terms and Conditions Governing CIMB PayNow Service (Corporate) apply. Click here for details.


*Terms and Conditions Governing CIMB PayNow Transfers Promotion (“Promotion”). Click here for details.