Current Account

Current Account SGD FCY
Monthly Account Balance Fall Below Fee
(if monthly average balance falls below Minimum Monthly Average Balance)

Minimum Monthly Average Balance

SGD 8,000


Fall-Below Fees


Minimum Monthly Average Balance

AUD1,000 / CAD1,000 / CNH15,000 / GBP1,000 / HKD5,000 / NZD1,000 / USD8,000 / CHF5,000 / EUR5,000 / JPY500,000 


Fall-Below Fees

AUD10 / CAD10 / CNH50 / GBP5 /HKD50 / NZD10 / USD35 / CHF20 / EUR20/ JPY2,000

Dormancy Fee

(Inactive accounts for 6 months will be considered Dormant. Dormant account will be closed if zero balance is maintained for 3 months)

S$50 per account per month

(upon account turning dormant status)

USD40 / AUD40 / CAD40 / CHF 35 / CNH 250 / EUR35 / GBP30 / HKD300 / JPY5,000 / NZD60 per account per month

(upon account turning dormant status)

Early Account Closure Fee
(for accounts closed within 6 months of opening) 
SGD50 USD40 / AUD40 / CAD40 / CHF 35 / CNH 250 / EUR35 / GBP30 / HKD300 / JPY5,000 / NZD60
Cheque Books SGD25 per book USD25 per book for USD account

*Fees and charges are subject to change from time to time.

Terms and conditions apply. Deposits are insured up to SGD100,000 by SDIC. For full disclosure statement, please refer to page 3.

Note :

(1) Terms and conditions apply. Deposits are insured up to S$100,000 by SDIC. For full disclosure statement, please refer to table.

Conventional/Islamic Current Account

Note :
(1) OTT1 - Refers to the pricing for each Outward Telegraphic Transfer performed by the Customer using BizChannel for its Eligible Account. 

(2) Rates(p.a)2 - Interest/Profit rates are subject to change without prior notice.

(3) Account Balance and Base Interest / Base Profit3 - The Base Interest / Base Profit will be effective from 15 February 2021.


Terms and conditions apply. Deposits are insured up to S$100,000 by SDIC. For full disclosure statement, please refer to table.

Fixed Deposit Account

Fixed Deposit Account SGD FCY
Minimum Initial Deposit SGD10,000 AUD10,000 / CAD10,000 / CNH10,000 / HKD10,000 / GBP10,000 / NZD10,000 / USD10,000
For a Tenor of 1 to 6 Days SGD5,000,000 USD1,000,000 or equivalent
For a Tenor of 7 Days to Less than a Month SGD1,000,000 USD250,000 or equivalent

Note: (1) Premature withdrawal of SGD and Foreign Currency time deposit is subject to the Bank’s TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE CORPORATE DEPOSITS ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES. You may earn less or no Interest if the deposit is withdrawn before it matures. A penalty may also be imposed with a S$100 admin handling fee with effect from 1st March 2025 onwards. (2) Commission-in-lieu of exchange is applicable when there is no foreign exchange involved. Terms and conditions apply. Deposits are insured up to S$100,000 by SDIC. For full disclosure statement, please refer to page 3.

Fixed Deposit-i

Fixed Deposit-i SGD FCY
Minimum Initial Deposit SGD50,000 USD50,000 / CNH50,000

Note: Premature withdrawal of SGD and Foreign Currency Commodity Murabahah Deposit-i issubjectto the Bank’s TERMS AND CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE CORPORATE DEPOSITS ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES. You may earn less or no profitifthe depositis withdrawn before itmatures, with a S$100 admin handling fee with effect from 1st March 2025 onwards. Terms and conditions apply. Deposits are insured up to S$100,000 by SDIC. For full disclosure statement, please refer to page 3. Other Applicable Fees SGD FCY


Other Applicable Fees

Other Applicable Fees SGD FCY
Excess Limit Fee
(incidental overdraft charge for accounts without credit limits) 
(SGD Prime Rate + 5%) or min. SGD20, whichever is higher For accounts without credit limits:
Min. USD10 / AUD10 / EUR7.5 / GBP5 / JPY1,000 + Interest at (USD / AUD / EUR / GBP / JPY Prime Rate + 5%) on amount overdrawn

For accounts with credit limits:
Interest at (USD / AUD / EUR / GBP / JPY Prime Rate + 5%) on amount overdrawn (Subject to a min. of USD10 / AUD10 / EUR7.5 / GBP5 / JPY1,000)
Deposit in foreign currency notes
(subject to availability)
  Refer to Foreign Currency Bank Notes Price List
Withdrawal in foreign currency notes
(subject to availability)
  Refer to Foreign Currency Bank Notes Price List

Note :

(1) Commission-in-lieu of exchange is applicable when there is no foreign exchange involved.



Deposit Insurance Scheme

Singapore dollar deposits of non-bank depositors are insured by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation, for up to S$100,000 in aggregate per depositor per Scheme member by law. Foreign currency deposits, dual currency investments, structured deposits and other investment products are not insured. 

Conventional/ Islamic Current Account

SGD (BusinessGo/BusinessGo-i Account)  SGD (SME/SME-i Account) SGD (TransactPlus/TransactPlus-i Account)
Minimum Initial Deposit SGD30,000 NIL NIL

Monthly Account Balance Fall Below Fee

(if monthly average balance falls below SGD30,000)


Cheque Books First cheque book fee waived

Subsequent cheque book requested will be charged at SGD25 per book
Charged at SGD25 per book Charged at SGD25 per book

Account Fee


S$8 per month

(Waived for first 12 months, from the month of account opening, for all new-to-bank customers) 

SGD28 per month

Early Account Closure Fee


(applicable if the Eligible Account is closed within 6 months of opening)


(applicable if the Eligible Account is closed within 6 months of opening)


(applicable if the Eligible Account is closed within 6 months of opening)

Corporate eAlert Fees




Internet Banking Fees

Waived for first 3 tokens

(S$20 per token from 4th token onwards; S$20 per token for replacement of lost token)

Includes access to BizChannel Mobile and any online/video training relating to BizChannel

Waived for first 3 tokens

(S$20 per token from 4th token onwards; S$20 per token for replacement of lost token)

Includes access to BizChannel Mobile and any online/video training relating to BizChannel 

Waived for first 3 tokens

(SGD20 per token from 4th token onwards; SGD20 per token for replacement of lost token)

Includes access to BizChannel Mobile and any online/video training relating to BizChannel

Transactional Pricing


S$18.88 flat (Not inclusive of agent fees (if applicable))


FAST, GIRO & Payroll (Single & Bulk) – Payments & Collections:



Above pricing is only applicable for transactions performed via BizChannel (ie. online transaction);

If non-online (ie. manual transaction), then the standard pricing for manual transactions apply. 


S$15 flat (Not inclusive of agent fees (if applicable))


FAST, GIRO & Payroll (Single & Bulk) – Payments & Collections:



Above pricing is only applicable for transactions performed via BizChannel (ie. online transaction);

If non-online (ie. manual transaction), then the standard pricing for manual transactions apply. 


S$5 flat (Not inclusive of agent fees (if applicable))


FAST, GIRO & Payroll (Single & Bulk) – Payments & Collections:



Above pricing is only applicable for transactions performed via BizChannel (ie. online transaction);

If non-online (ie. manual transaction), then the standard pricing for manual transactions apply. 

Rates (p.a.)2

Account Balance and Base Interest / Base Profit3:

SGD30,000.00 and below – 0% 

SGD30,000.01 to SGD1,000,000.00 – 0.80% 

SGD1,000,000.01 to SGD2,000,000.00 – 2.00% 

SGD2,000,000.01 and above – 0.28%